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Произошла ошибка
Note: For detailed error information (necessary for troubleshooting), enable "DEBUG mode". To enable "DEBUG mode", open up the file config.php in a text editor, add a line that looks like "define('S2_DEBUG', 1);" (without the quotation marks), and re-upload the file. Once you've solved the problem, it is recommended that "DEBUG mode" be turned off again (just remove the line from the file and re-upload it).
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<meta name="Generator" content="S2 1.0b4" />
<title>Error - Сайт на движке S2</title>
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<h1>Произошла ошибка</h1>
<hr />
<p><strong>Note:</strong> For detailed error information (necessary for troubleshooting), enable "DEBUG mode". To enable "DEBUG mode", open up the file config.php in a text editor, add a line that looks like "define('S2_DEBUG', 1);" (without the quotation marks), and re-upload the file. Once you've solved the problem, it is recommended that "DEBUG mode" be turned off again (just remove the line from the file and re-upload it).</p>